Genzo Holdings (Pvt) Ltd was launched on 6th May 2021 in kandy, digana , central hills of sri lanka with the objective of creating Sri Lanka's first strong business structure of internet entrepreneurs.
Within two years, the company has expanded to serve over 300,000 satisfied customers, with more than 50 businesses, reporting an annual net profit over Rs. 5 million.
The people who connect with us are driven by the dreams and goals of the life and turn them into entrepreneurs who have been guided to their dream aspirations in a most engaging way.
The main objective of our organization is to guide and empower every human being to start their own business which is their dream. In addition, the use of the online marketing to provide customers with goods and services at a lesser cost through a lesser intermediary Conducting training, workshops and sessions to impart knowledge on how to become a strong entrepreneur. By developing their positive mindset, teach them how to achieve their dreams and train them to create good entrepreneurs who will add value to the society.
Our goal is to build a strong business STRUCTURE around the world by building good human relationships, creating new business opportunities and distributing huge profits between large number of people.
By providing goods and services at reasonable prices to consumers around the world and empowering the minds and finance of aspiring entrepreneurs and Creating new business opportunities by encouraging manufacturers to launch new products And mainly introduce online marketing and Becoming a company that creates a business structure that can go through easily and quickly.